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Free Natural Highs for TEENS
Every Tuesday, 5pm-6.30pm
at MADELIFE, ​2639 Spruce Street, Boulder
Every 2. & 4. Tuesday/Month at
Light Root Farm, 7715 Araphoe in Boulder
Come hang out with a community of teens who are experimenting with the smartest ways to feel good without the use of substances. We will explore the desires underneath substance use and addiction of all kinds and look for ways to get to the “real thing”. The class includes cutting-edge brain chemistry, herbs that are truly good for you, creative stress management, healthy alternatives, arts & crafts, non-judgmental dialogue, healthy rituals, AcuDetox/AcuWellness, and inspiration to examine your life. Anyone is welcome - whether you want to learn about mental health or examine your relationship with substances or whether you are just looking for support and a non-judgmental environment.
And stay for FREE AcuDetox/AcuWellness from 5.30-6.30pm
More info & Consent form: www.naturalhighs.org
Avani Dilger, LPC, CAS, ADS-RT
303-859-5778 avani@naropa.edu
Please sign and bring the Parent/Guardian Consent Form below

"Turn Anxiety into Your Superpower" FREE ONLINE Presentation
“Turn Anxiety into your Superpower”
The Neuroscience of Stress, Anxiety & Trauma
Brain Hacks for Resilience
Learn more about:
The Neuroscience of stress, anxiety, and trauma
Strategies to use stress and anxiety as a productive force in your life
Resources & tools for people all ages
FREE Trauma & Mental Health Support
for our Boulder Community
We are providing FREE cutting-edge trauma and mental health support for all teens and adults affected by the trauma in the Boulder Community. A trauma like the fires can trigger very intense trauma reactions and can cause severe mental health symptoms. These symptoms, like anxiety, depression, hypervigilance, trouble sleeping or concentrating, are all normal reactions to an intense trauma and can be helped with through community support, guided somatic practices, and AcuDetox. We want to provide all of these supports for all teens and adults who feel affected. Please reach out for support or please bring a friend who needs support. Let us all come closer as a community to get through this tragedy in a way that brings our community closer together, in love and care for each other.
Find all AcuDetox/AcuWellness LOCATIONS & Times on:

Every Tuesday, 5.30-6.30pm
2639 Spruce Street, Boulder, MadeLife
Acudetox is a 5-neede acupuncture treatment to the ear that has been used in disasters to help people with trauma, mental health and resilience. It has been very effective in helping people prevent PTSD. It helps with symptoms, such as anxiety, depression, fears, sleep problems, intrusive images, and nightmares after a trauma. AcuDetox is used around the world immediately after disasters to help people find their strength and resilience again. More information & research on AcuDetox www.acudetox.com
More info: Avani Dilger, LPC, CAS, AAT, ADS-RT
303-859-5778 avani@naropa.edu www.naturalhighs.org
Please bring the signed consent form or sign it when you are visiting.
We need your support to continue providing our successful Natural Highs Program to Teens & Adults.
Please become part of our Natural Highs Community of Supporters. We started a PATREON Page that allows you to choose the right level of Natural Highs Membership for you and your family.
Choose the right level of Natural Highs Community Membership for yourself and your family:
- for $5 you can Sponsor a Monthly AcuDetox Treatment for a TEEN
- for $10 you can support Natural Highs Programs for Teens
- for $25 you can Sponsor the full Natural Highs Membership for a TEEN
- for $100 you can co-sponsor sober Natural Highs events for TEENS
Start Here to find the right
Natural Highs Resources for YOU!
We are offering TONS of FREE Classes and sober Activities for TEENS and ways to stay connected and inspired with healthy options. Our classes are free to any high school age teen for support, connection and healthy alternatives.
We offer free online and in-person presentations in support for PARENTS to stay strong & inspired in their role supporting teens.
During these times it is hard to not fall back into old habits. We are developing resources to help stay on track or begin healthy lifestyle choices and healthy alternatives to substance abuse.
This is how you can be part of and support Natural Highs so teens and adults with mental health and substance abuse issues can find community and support.

Check out all the episodes on our Youtube Channel:
Check out the Natural Highs Story:
What would it mean to have a positive community of young people who are committed to following their passions, exploring states of consciousness in healthy ways, and experiencing deep human connection in community?
Natural Highs Community is a program working to empower teens in Boulder, Colorado to address substance abuse and mental health issues that is an inspiring example of what works, and what youth really crave. Avani explains, “addiction isn’t just about stopping doing something. It’s also about finding organic and body-centered ways to feel naturally happy.”
Directed by Jared Janus, Produced by Cyrus Sutton, Thank you for your Support!
Join the Natural Highs Movement!!!
Check out our fundraiser for
great gifts & meaningful contributions:
Donate Today - Help Us Thrive!
We ask you for your generous support in keeping this program alive in order to provide this essential support for individual teens and also for school communities as a whole, so that a healthy, sober peer culture can thrive. Click the Donate button below for a fast and secure one-time donation and become a supporter of Natural Highs!
With a monthly subscription of $4.99 a month you can support a weekly Natural Highs class with materials that is attended by 20-30 teens. You can unsubscribe at any time. Thank you so much for keeping our grass roots program alive. Click the subscribe the button below for a fast and secure monthly donation to become a patron of Natural Highs!