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"Turn Anxiety into Your Superpower" ONLINE Presentation

Sign up here for the Natural Highs Emails for FREE In-person Natural Highs Community Events & Presentations: 

“Turn Anxiety into your Superpower”

The Neuroscience of Stress, Anxiety & Trauma

Brain Hacks for Resilience


Learn more about:

  • The Neuroscience of stress, anxiety, and trauma

  • Strategies to use stress and anxiety as a productive force in your life

  • Resources & tools for people all ages

Online Natural Highs Video Courses

If you are not able to attend a Natural Highs Course in person you can participate in a live recorded workshop so you are not missing out on a sense of community. Every Natural Highs course is unique and is co-created by the questions and input of the participants. Online Courses cannot fully substitute the sense of community in person so we highly recommend supplementing an Online Natural Highs Course with participating in online live hangouts or the WhatsApp Natural Highs group.

Guided Meditations to Download

Want to get inspiration to calm your anxiety, transform your challenging emotions, and find your inner strengths? If you find it easier to listen to audio and practice a guided exercise than reading a book these guided exercises/meditations might be helpful to you.

Use "coronarelief" Coupon for a FREE Download.

Natural Highs PODCASTS & TV Shows

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T.V. Show

Marijuana Madness Part I with Avani Dilger

26 Oct 2017 · Beyond Risk and Back
Marijuana has gone from being the “Devil’s Weed” to “Harmless” but what is the truth? Is there propaganda on both sides? Is it REALLY addictive? Is it REALLY medicine? Is marijuana harmless? Host Aaron Huey of Fire Mountain Residential Treatment Center and Avani Dilger approach it from the middle to try to discover the truth.
In this heartwarming conversation, Avani Dilger, Founder of Natural Highs, talks about the work she's doing to cultivate health in our community and throughout the world.  

Natural Highs Reading List


Cass, Hyla; Holford, Patrick (2002): Natural Highs. Supplements, Nutrition, and Mind-Body Techniques. New York: Penguin Putnam


Caldwell, Christine (1996). Getting our Bodies back. Recovery, Healing, and Transformation through Body-Centered Psychotherapy. Shambahala.


Milkman, Harvey & Sunderwirth, S. (1987): Craving for Ecstasy. The Consciousness and Chemistry of Escape. Lexington Books.


Weil, Andrew & Rosen, Winifred (1993): From Chocolate to Morphine. Everything you need to know about mind-altering drugs. Houghton Mifflin Company.


DesMaisons, Kathleen (1998): Potatoes, Not Prozac. A Natural Seven-Step Dietary Plan to control your cravings … NewYork: Simon and Schuster


Workman, Jennifer (2002). Stop your Cravings. A customized program combining ayurveda and Western nutrition for achieving optimum health and maximum weight loss.


Amen, Daniel (1998). Change your Brain, Change your Life. The breakthrough program for conquering anxiety, depression, obsessiveness, anger, and impulsiveness, Three River Press.


Gordon, Jon (2003). Energy Addict. 101 Physical, Mental & Spiritual Ways to Energize your Life. New York, NY: Perigree Book.

Natural Highs Favorite TED Talks








Cool Local Resources

Rebecca’s Apothecary: 
1227 Spruce Street, Boulder, CO 80302


Movement Mass w Melissa Michaels & Friends
Every Sunday at 10:45am



FREE Sober Community Groups for Adults


The Phoenix:

Awesome sober community with all FREE classes, meetings, activities for anyone looking for others supporting a sober lifestyle. The only requirement is 48 hours of no substance use before a class.

The Phoenix offers now online classes:


Clear Minds:

CLEAR MINDS is a sober, active social group. We host regular gatherings, centered around fitness, yoga, dancing, music and socializing. Our goal is to create a space where people can socialize without the pressure of drinking alcohol. We welcome all people who are sober for 24 hours to join our events!


S.AF.E - Sober AF Entertainment:

Sober A.F. facilitates and oversees fun tailgating opportunities at events like concerts and sporting events for individuals, couples, families, young adults, kids, etc. to connect and build community in a sober and inclusive environment.


Alcoholics Anonymous (AA):

Marijuana Anonymous (MA):
Al-Anon (for friends and family of alcoholics or drug addicts):
Narcotics Anonymous (NA):


Life Ring Secular Recovery:




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