Interested in bringing
Natural Highs
to your Community?

We are in the process of developing Natural Highs Facilitator Trainings! YEAH!
We have heard from many of you that you are interested in bringing Natural Highs to your community! Whether you run youth programs or work in schools, whether you work with systems-involved teens or adults, or whether you are just a good human wanting to be a leader around healthy alternatives and empowerment with family and friends, feel free to sign up to receive information on future Natural Highs TRAININGS for Facilitators.
In order to make it practical for your work and life, we will offer the Natural Highs Facilitator Trainings in building blocks so you can choose which elements you want to learn about.
SIGN UP here to receive information on Natural Highs Facilitator Trainings:
Natural Highs Pilot Sites
New Vista High School
Naropa University
Boulder County Probation
Fire Mountain Programs, Estes Park, CO
Girls Athletic Leadership School, Denver
Natural Highs Australia