Avani G. Dilger, MEd, MA, LPC, BC-DMT, CACIII, ADS
Founder and Executive Director
Avani G. Dilger, MEd, MA, LPC, BC-DMT, CACIII, ADS, is a Licensed Professional Counselor, a Certified Addiction Counselor, a Somatic Psychotherapist, an Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist, and a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT). She has specialized in substance abuse treatment with adults, teens-at-risk, and their families. She holds a Master’s in Education from the University of Cologne in Germany (1995) and a Master’s in Somatic Counseling Psychology from Naropa University (2001). She has done extensive research and training in traditional and alternative approaches to substance abuse treatment. She is passionate about the creative potential of craving and addiction issues. She is the founder and director of the “Natural Highs – Healthy Alternatives to Drugs and Alcohol” Program that integrates traditional and alternative approaches to substance abuse and addiction issues and teaches teens and adults how to work in intelligent ways with their own brain chemistry through body/mind practices, dance, ritual, meditation, and the creative arts. Avani is a Motivational Interviewing Trainer (MINT) and is training professionals in the fields of substance abuse, mental health, social work, justice system and health care. She is serving teens and adults with the most severe experiences around substance use, addiction and trauma in her private practice in Boulder using cutting edge techniques such as Brainspotting, Somatic Psychotherapy and Systemic Constellation work.

Tzuria Malpica, Clinical Herbalist
Natural Highs Facilitator & Clinical Herbalist
Tzuria teaches the Natural Highs curriculum by weaving together science and holistic principles. Through brain chemistry, Herbal Medicine, hands on activities and games, she aims to support people on the path of healing. Working closely with the Natural Highs team for the past 10 years, she has gone from student, to teacher to making the Natural Highs lifestyle her career. During her time as a student of Natural Highs, she fell in love with healing herbs and after high school, attended the North American Institute of Medical Herbalism. Graduating in 2012 as a Clinically Certified Herbalist, Tzuria returned to the Natural Highs community with a new lens to teach from. She believes that everyone has a right to this knowledge and enjoys sharing tools such as the healing properties of herbs and healing through nutrition. As a Colorado Native, Tzuria finds deep joy and connection to the mountains, plants and animals and enjoys helping young adults become more empowered to care for themselves, because it's a great opportunity to engage the fascination with neuroscience of bright and curious young people. Understanding the brain as a physical organ is an often-overlooked part of learning self-care, and I appreciate Natural Highs' mission to empower students with information.

Di Alvarez-Chao
Peer Mentor
Di became a Natural Highs Peer Mentor in October 2017, immediately submerging herself in everything the amazing program had to offer and taking a leadership role. She graduated from New Vista High School in Boulder, CO, and is an Acudetox Specialist and a Reiki Practitioner. Di especially adores the herbalism aspect of Natural Highs, as well as the brain chemistry (which she teaches at NH presentations and Alternatives For Youth). Her favorite plant medicines are Reishi Mushroom, Yerba Maté, Damiana, and Tulsi Basil.

Tara Celeste
Tara started going to Natural Highs classes in 2015 and quickly realized a strong passion for sustainability. They are a non binary person who enjoys going to music festivals and concerts. They believe whole-heartedly in the power of nature to heal and inspire. They are a Hairstylist at Zinke Hair Studio, a volunteer with Rainbow Lightning Children’s Village, a Reiki practitioner, and a peer mentor with Natural Highs Boulder.

Beau Chilson
Peer Mentor
Beau Chilson is a Natural Highs Peer Mentor and high school student in Boulder, CO. He works with Natural Highs because he thinks that it is incredibly important to help his peers realize the repercussions of drug use on their brains. “I love working with Natural Highs and it has taught me a lot about myself.” He started a weekly teen run club called “First Step” that helps teens realize their habits and gives them reliable support as they try to change.

Rebecca Hartt
Natural Highs Facilitator & Mentor
Born and raised in Boulder and recently graduated from New Vista High school. I am an ignited, emerging young adult, who has developed a strong sense of self. My passion for self-expression shaped how I show up within the world and showed me how my soulful love for what I do is a deep date with destiny. Within my practice and devotion towards dance, songwriting, embodiment, leadership, community, and myself, I’ve deeply grown as a unique individual by consistently showing up for the experiences in my life. This year my achievements as a leader have held creating and facilitating a weekly self-love group for the students aged 13-18 at New Vista high school, co-teaching classes with the Natural Highs program at local schools., representing the Boulder Valley School district with five others students to attend the Colorado Association of School Board's (CASB) Student Leadership Conference where I was selected to speak on a panel in front of 800 people regarding visions for the future. Winning a city award for being one of Boulder’s outstanding youth in service in the community and having an article highlighting my successes in the Daily Camera’s student spotlight. Completing the Surfing The Creative International Youth Leadership Rites of Passage Process and the Ground of Being foundational training with Golden Bridge. I have actively redefined the story given to me by turning my wounds into gifts for the world.
Growing up under-resourced, at a young age I didn’t have the opportunity to be reflected the importance of healthy relationships, body awareness and self love. Within what felt like a lack of opportunities, I strived to find other ways to feel ignited and seen by the world. In my early teenage years, I was living the impact of this through self-hatred, addiction and very unsustainable ways of relating to the world. There was a powerful little girl within me that grew up too fast and hadn’t found a place to truly be home in. My entire world shifted when I was introduced to the Natural Highs community at age 14 in my first year of high school. I was introduced to safety, validation, regulation and leadership within a group of people for the first time in my life. The mirror this community held, showed me that which I did not have the opportunity to see before: Hope to create change. Throughout the past couple years I’ve been showing up for myself in the most radical way with the support of my communities. Through Golden Bridge’s rites of passage program,Surfing The Creative, one on one mentoring, and events held throughout the year by this community, I found my call to action, activism, strength and gifts within embodiment. I found my calling to be a deeper student to this work and to be of service to our global family. Where I am striving to go is deeply aligned with my commitment to myself, willingness to learn, passion to be of service and devotion to transform as I emerge into my life ever more fully. I am currently a student in the LEAPNOW program and will be studying in South India, Sri Lanka, and Zimbabwe.

Tess Eckert
Natural Highs Coordinator & Facilitator for Australia
Hi! My name is Tess Eckert and my favourite natural highs are dancing, traveling, playing in nature, connecting with new people, cultures and ideas. I'm originally from Boulder, Colorado USA, where I participated in the Natural Highs Program led by Avani Diliger, as a high school student from 2008-2010 and was so transformed by it, that I become a peer mentor and co-facilitator of the program. I am currently following my passion as a youth worker, dance teacher and group facilitator for diverse groups of people locally and around the globe. After completing a BA in interdisciplinary Studies from the California Institute of Integral Studies, I moved to Byron Bay, Australia in 2013. I am currently employed as a program coordinator & youth worker for a youth service in a rural community in remote Australia. I am passionate about utilizing dance and other expressive arts therapeutically to unwind trauma and empower young people to find their purpose/passion. I recently piloted the Natural Highs program successfully in partnership with Casino High School and Bulgarr Ngaru Aboriginal Medical Service in Casino, NSW, Australia working with local Bundjalung elders and workers to adapt the program to be as culturally relevant, appropriate and accessible as possible. I'm an avid learner and researcher and am most fascinated by the underlying causes of addiction and naming, normalizing and addressing soul/spirit wounding, appropriately, through alternative and indigenous approaches.

Kara Ashley
Kara Ashley grew up in two places, Long Point, Ontario and Iqaluit, Nunavut. The unique ecological communities of these two places have deeply rooted her love for being in nature. They also sparked her passion for facilitating nature connection with adults and children and ensuring that the outdoor industry shifts to an inclusive community that supports equitable access to nature and outdoor recreational activities. Kara is an expedition sea kayak guide in Haida Gwaii, British Columbia, and a child caregiver. She is mesmerized by children’s curiosity and uninhibited spiritual connection and she would be happy spending the rest of her days working with children and youth. Kara is also a recent undergrad graduate whose Interdisciplinary degree is an integration of an Adventure Guiding diploma program at Thompson Rivers University in British Columbia, Canada, and Environmental Studies and Peace Studies at Naropa University. Kara’s social innovation thesis focused on developing a summer climbing empowerment program Natural Highs Iqaluit, for youth who live in Iqaluit, Nunavut. This program will also act as a new pilot site for the Natural Highs Community! The summer climbing empowerment program was developed through the integration of rock climbing, nature connection, mindfulness practices, addictions research, and Indigenous methodologies; this program aims to be a healthy and safe space for youth to nourish their personal resilience.

Sasha Raskin
Musician, Music Producer & Filmmaker
Sasha Raskin is an artist, composer and a musical producer with over twenty years of experience in music
production and program development in the field of music education and music therapy. Sasha initiated Natural Highs Records at 2016. He is a therapist in the Boulder area, and provides Life Coaching services worldwide.

Erica Payne
Natural Highs Facilitator & Mentor
I started Natural Highs during my freshman year of high school. At the time, I had been using a lot of drugs, and had been struggling with depression and self harm for a few years. I started going to the Natural Highs lunch groups at New Vista, which gave me a safe and sober place to be while I was trying to get clean. That year, I cleaned up my act and started to get more involved with the program. I'm currently in college at MSU Denver studying psychology and philosophy, well on my way to completing my undergrad and getting my masters. Additionally, I am pursuing a spot on the U.S. Olympic team in 2020 for taekwondo, a goal I could have never hoped to complete if I had not stopped using, or if I had continued giving in to self-destructive and suicidal ideation. Without Natural Highs, I would not be alive, much less on the particular career path that I am. This program taught me the neuroscience necessary to influence me to make better choices so I could save myself from a dangerous future. This program also taught me important leadership skills, and opened numerous doors for my passions and career involvements. I owe my life to this program and I think that it's massively important to continue to contribute and grow the legacy.

Kyle Shepherd
Natural Highs Facilitator & Mentor
I am blessed to have been apart of the Natural Highs community since 2009. Natural Highs is no longer a class to me, it is a way of life. Through this program I have received the opportunity to blossom from a distressed adolescent, to a curious student, to an engaged peer mentor, to an influential intern, and to a humbled workshop teacher. In the beginning of my journey, this community and program empowered me with tools and knowledge to help me combat social issues, anxiety, depression and lack of motivation in healthy ways. My biggest accomplishment as a peer mentor was helping to launch the portion of the class that approaches topics regarding sexuality from a culturally aware and psychologically informed standpoint. Currently, I am studying psychology with an emphasis in gender and sexuality studies and use many of the strategies I acquired from the program in my daily life. My favorite daily Natural Highs skills are body-check ins, mindfulness techniques, herbal remedy practices and intentional movement. I am SO grateful for the support, love and empowerment I received from Avani Dilger and the Natural Highs program, and I feel fortunate for the chance to facilitate a class that offers so many powerful life skills.

Laura Bressler
Natural Highs Board Member and Mentor
Laura has a BA from Skidmore College, an MBA from Boston University, is a Registered Psychotherapist, a Certified Professional Coach, and is currently pursuing her Master's in Addiction Studies to become a Licensed Addiction Counselor. She specializes in working with the parents of teens and young adults struggling with substance misuse. She became passionate about supporting parents after her family’s own harrowing experiences with their substance abusing teen. Laura received training from the Colorado Office of Behavioral Health, and is contracted to facilitate the evidence-based C.R.A.F.T. program (Community Resource and Family Training), which teaches families skills to impact their child’s substance use, motivate them to seek treatment, repair communication and relationships, and improve self-care. She is also a Acudetox Specialist and deeply values bringing healing and balance to individuals through this technique. In her free time, Laura loves to paint, read, hike, snuggle with her dog and kitty, and travel with her husband and two thriving adult sons.

Lisa Schiavone, CCHt, Reiki Master-Teacher
Coordinator of Natural Highs Reiki Program
Lisa is a Reiki Master-Teacher who has practiced and taught healing arts professionally for 22 years. She is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Archetypal Hypnotherapy Trainer, Dreamworker, Evolutionary Astrologer and BodyTalk Practitioner. She loves helping others establish a relationship with their own inner wisdom and healing abilities.

Catherine Douglas
Online Coordinator & Researcher
Catherine has been teaching the Natural Highs program since 2007. She taught it at New Vista, September School, Shining Mountain, Boulder Prep, Justice High, and PeaceJam, and also helped found the Natural Highs Action Team. Currently, she resides in Oakland, CA, where she helps with online support, website design, and fundraising for Natural Highs. She always looks forward to reunions with students whenever she is back in Boulder, CO.

Julia Munsterer
Practicum Student & Mentor
Julia is a graduate student in the Mindfulness-Based Transpersonal Counseling program at Naropa University. After getting her Bachelor’s at the University of Colorado in Boulder, she felt drawn to pursue her studies in clinical psychology. She is a certified health coach having graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition as well as a reiki practitioner. She looks forward to establishing her own practice to help support women and adolescents who struggle with trauma, abuse and addiction in all its forms. In her time off, she enjoys yoga and photography, witchy ritual practices, reading tarot cards for friends and strangers alike, spending time with her family and exploring all that Colorado has to offer.

Jen Kubalak
Jen is originally from Columbus, Ohio with a background in Exercise Physiology & Art from Ohio Northern University. She came to Boulder to start her journey at Naropa University in the Mindfulness-based Transpersonal Counseling program. She is a Clinical Mental Health Counselor at Magic Moments Therapy LLC working with children, teens and adults who have experienced adverse life experiences at an early age. Natural Highs has inspired her to live the sober lifestyle and embrace her sensitivities, connect more deeply with creativity, trusting herself, developing her intuition, being outdoors in nature and cultivating meaningful relationships. Her favorite Natural Highs include experiencing deja vu, acudetox, dreamwork, cooking, playing volleyball, running, hiking with her dog Meraki & meeting new people.

Alex Cohen
Alex is currently in his second year of the Counseling Psychology program at Pacifica Graduate Institute, with a specialization in Depth Psychology. Before entering the master’s program, Alex worked as a Construction Manager in New York City and in Boulder, where he facilitated both commercial and residential projects. Prior to his career managing construction projects, he owned and operated a small fine-furniture company that specialized in producing hand-built, environmentally conscious, heritage pieces. Alex resonates deeply with the work of Joseph Campbell, Marion Woodman and James Hillman. His graduate pursuits are supplemented by a profound interest in fly-fishing and spending time in the backcountry. He holds a B.A. in Art History from Tulane University and a M.S. in Construction Management from New York University.

Hannah Horowitz
Hannah originally hails from Sonoma, California, and came into her own in New Orleans, Louisiana. Now in her second year of Naropa’s Transpersonal Counseling Program, Hannah is excited and challenged by the opportunity to learn about the intersection of language, societal and cultural influences, neurochemistry, world wisdom tradition, and so much more made manifest in the counseling field. She has completed trainings in yoga, expressive dance, and hands on healing, all of which are a large part of her personal life and practice. Hannah’s greatest love, however, is the written word, and she is excited by the convergence of language, narrative, and the healing journey. She has experience as a writing teacher, camp counselor, caregiver to infants, and attendant to the elderly. Her favorite feeling is spaciousness, her favorite tree is a redwood, and her favorite fruit is a fresh-picked raspberry.